Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Salam Lebaran 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011
What's Next?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Knowing Your Sexuality and Live Happily Ever After ~
Recent news about lesbian chinese couple married at Batu Pahat cought me by surprise however, I really happy for them. Both of them surely know who they were and what do they want which most of us, (straight people) often get confused.
Anyway, I am totally open about LBGT community, although not much about them I knew except for the myth and my observation. However, I do find that they also have feelings. So what if there have different taste from "normal" people, what matter is of course the intention and their pure desire.
Who can choose love? When someone decided that he is in love with someone regardless of race, religion or sex, he knew it's coming from a true heart. Taking that big step to acknowledge how important their feelings are at the same time, we respect each other.
I know that I do attracted to beautiful girl but, to be in love and to have relationship with girls I doubt it because, I am bleassed to have the most increadeble man and I adore him every second. But, hey.. things might be different one day, I might turn out to be biseksual and he is okey with it or vice-versa. Oops!
Anyway, sex and sexuality is two different things. Having sex and making love is also in between one thin line. Sex is unpredictable. The thing about us, (Malaysian) we have not be open to discuss about sex because sex is always misinterpreted as being immoral, and this is because of the human act itself.
Doing Sex and Being Sex.. Uuuhhh.. interesting thought!! What about it?! Should I go further about it? Curiousity kill the cat. However, have a look and be sensible about people who choose to love same sex. What are they thinking when they decide that? Is it because of the hormone?
Honestly, at first I do have a goosebumb and uneasy feeling especially when I have witness some PDA thingy by the LGBT among themselves. My believe said, this is SIN! Not normal! Against natural law!! However, I opened up. I stop having that believe, I look at the situation and the possibility of having mutual understanding and respect, I choose to have that understanding and respect their being and I vote, I stand by LGBT community.
I have a situation before this, where my friend come to me and said, her husband left her because of one hot transgender. I was shocked that the husband prefer a trans over a woman but then, I stop and be aware of what was I'm thinking. So, should I reacted differently if the third person is a natural born woman? Of course not so, I should not over reacted about who is the third person is right? The doing is matter not the gender. So what if the husband finally decided that he is a gay, and if the third person is a HE, still the same. My advise to the woman, do the necessary things of what the Family Law has provided in getting her right, divorce or maintenance and blessed him that he is finally live happily ever after!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Time Like These...
I’m the one that drives away
Then follows you back home
I am a street light shining
I’m a wild light blinding bright
Burning off alone
It’s times like these you learn to live again
It’s times like these you give and give again
It’s times like these you learn to love again
It’s times like these time and time again
I am a new day rising
I’m a brand new sky
To hang the stars upon tonight
I am a little divided
Do I stay or run away
And leave it all behind?
It’s times like these you learn to live again
It’s times like these you give and give again
It’s times like these you learn to love again
It’s times like these time and time again
In time like this, have you ever ask yourself how powerful you are? Have the ability to dance, to laugh, to cry, to respond, to love and to do many wonderful things in life.. If you have 1000 friends now, why don't go further to have millions of friends all over the world. Be open and vulnerable doesn't mean that you are weak. Be determine in what we believe, what we stand for is way far from being stubborn.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Dogs have feelings too~

1. It is NOT haraam to own a dog, though it is not hygienic to keep a dog in the house.
2. It is NOT haraam to touch a dog or any other animal. If the saliva of a dog touches you or any part of your clothing, then it is required of you to wash the body part touched and the item of clothing touched by the dog’s mouth or snout.
3. It is incumbent upon all Muslims who own animals, whether for farming or work purposes or as pets, to provide adequate shelter, food, water, and, when needed, veterinary care for their animals. Arrangements must be made, if one is going to be away from home, to have one’s animals taken care of as well.
4. It is haraam to keep a dog or any other animal on a short lead for long periods without food, water, and shelter. Dogs need exercise and are social creatures who form organized “family” structures in nature. Dog owners therefore need to spend time daily with their dogs.
5. It is cruel, and therefore haraam, to keep any animal in a cage so small that it cannot behave in a natural way.
6. Fireworks cause untold suffering to most domestic animals because of their acute sense of hearing.
7. It is haraam to participate in any blood “sport,” like dog fighting and trophy hunting.
All things “…have been created for you ...” for our benefit (S2:29). It thus becomes our duty to protect, employ with dignity, and promote the well-being of any animal in our care. In this way, we are expressing our thankfulness to Allah (swt) for His blessings in a practical manner. (Qur’anic Foundations and Structure of Muslim Society, Mawlana F.R. Ansari, vol. 2, pp. 125-126) Every animal has been created for a purpose. It is a duty upon every human being to respect Allah’s creation.Sayyidina ’Umar (ra) was very concerned about the animals during his rule as Amir or head of the Islamic empire.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Suu Kyi: The Voice Of Her People
Who is she?
Suu Kyi is a Burmese opposition politician and the General Secretary of the National League for Democracy. She has been detained under house arrest in Burma for almost 15 of the 21 years from 20 July 1989 until her release on 13 November 2010. Like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, Anug San Suu Kyi has become an iconic figure. She has persistently opposed Burma’s brutal military regime, instituted by General Ne Win in 1962.
Why is she my hero?
She is a loving, honest and powerful woman. So much love and honesty that give to the her family, her people and her country and this has make her the most influence leaders ever in this decade. Her determination and her courageous inspired me. Although her leadership of Burmese democracy movement and her passionate advocacy of human rights, have landed her in desperate trouble, she has invented the power of the powerless. The power of the people and she definitely the voice of her people.
She was first placed under house arrest in 1989 and in the years between, she has faced constant physical and psychological harassment by the Junta/Tatmadaw. Her extraordinary commitment to the Burmese people has resulted in involuntarily separation from her family - her English husband, Dr. Micheal Aris and their two sons. Aris’s death in 1999 was yet another cruel twist of the knife but, nothing can draw away Suu Kyi from the course she committed to.
What does “Freedom From Fear” means?
It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.
Aung San Suu Kyi: Freedom From Fear.
Study about her made me understand about what is powerful leaders means. To me, “Powerful “ meant Strong Energy. Energy can be positive when it become productive and it can be negative when it create destructive. History shows that, leaders create by being powerful when she or he can enrolling people to her or his vision.
When one leader create a vision and focus out to the people, we can see and feel the amount of positive energy can build a nation with full of goodness, fairness and just. People are connected and united. However, powerful leader of destruction like Hitler, Mussolini and many more and Ne Win (Junta) are creating fear and restriction to the people and these leaders are focus- in to themselves and sabotage the goodness of being human. We look like a free people and in fact laws, draconian laws has actually tied up the power and the rights of the people.
Example, Dr. Mahathir has enrolled me to his vision of Wawasan 2020, (although now, I wonder whether our current government still care about it when all I heard now is just One Malaysia) and I do feel that he is a powerful leader. However, I experience him as a controller leader which may lead to injustice. Well, every thing must go according to his way, and result shows, he is powerful leaders.
How is her being make her the Human Rights Icon?
Back to Aung San Suu Kyi, I experience her being a loving leader. She promotes non-violence approach and chooses democracy is the best way to rule the government. So that, the people can exercise their right as to what had been written in the constitution. During her fights against the Junta, I notice that she is persistence on the idea violence against violence is not the way to gain victory of independent. However, by being courageous and determine. Her integrity and belief about power lay on the hand of the people and not, in the hand of a soldier pointing out the guns to the people who shout for justice and freedom.
She has been such a strong woman and yet, soft and delicate to her people that charms all around the world and that why she won the Noble Prize for make a stand for her people.
Yes, she is a daughter of Bogyoke Aung San. He is Burmese hero during the fight of independence from the British. There is no doubt that exist other powerful leaders however, when one leader are only think about themselves and the people around them is just another tools to gain powers, the credibility of the leader reduce.
What did her people say about her? How they look up to her?
She is their only hope and to free the people from fear. I have attend to one of the ceremony at Bar Council recently on early July to celebrate her birthday and have the opportunity to ask Burmese people who attended as well, and all of them, love Suu Kyi so much like she is their mother. They wanted to go back their country and live there happily like what we have right now.
Burmese is beautiful people, very polite and respect people. I feel sad as well to have listened to their wishes when they don’t know when Burmese can have their real independence, and be free from fear.
MY LP Journey
My LP Journey.
Why I Choose This Program
3 months ago, I decided to be in this program called Leadership Program - LP. I have no idea what kind of challenge that I may face and go through. However, before I signed up for this Program, I have started the journey 2 years before when I entered Basic Training. First question and the only thing that still remain in my head is, “Who am I PRETEND not to know.” Gosh! Even while writing about it, make my bulu roma berdiri, you know! Give me goose bum. Why? Because I always thought that I am fearful, stupid and low confident. That belief cost me six years and a half in UM just taking Law Degree. Super Duper Senior!! Ehem!! Well, it’s my past. So, being” that” does not help me to move forward, right? That is why I need to shift to be confident, powerful and smart woman. Haha! So, it is me who sabotage myself - I have been limit myself to step up and dream BIG.
I remember during my Training, the participants being such a lovely and giver people and the Staffing team such a warm and loving leader. And the Trainer is brilliant. At that time, I wonder what kind of voo-doo stuff that he have until he can GET me, understand me without I am really aware about it. Well, that is my experience during my Basic Training and it was fantastic until I felt like I want to be like them especially the Staffing Team of MSB11. From that training, I now I have confident to drive, ehem! And become a practitioner lawyer.
Anyway, back to the program. There are few assignments that we need to accomplish within three months of period, at the same we need to balance life that we live; work, family and friends and the goals that we committed to achieves. So, things have been double up or even triple if we choose to. And I am being in my comfort zone, being Miss 50-50 is totally NOT OK at all, because 50-50 (means half hearted) don’t create result that I want. Therefore, being Miss Focus! Determination! 100%! Can create awesome result!! Change does start from within and I trust that I am capable to juggle things in my life.
Why I choose This Goals
My first goal is to get back to writing again. I love to write when I was in high school and I forgot how passionate I was back then when I write. Why I love to write? Because I’m less good in public speaking? Hahaha!! No. I love to simply because I can be myself. I’m visualise, a dreamer, story-teller. Especially every time I wrote it with knowledge and from my heart. I created love and passionate trough writing. And determination is the key! Write 4000 words a week about gender equality!
My friend commented, “you ought to write a book!” Wow!! Yeah.. I think it’s possible. We’ll see. I get inspired by reading some of beautiful articles especially by Ms. Zainah Anwar, one of the founders of Sisters In Islam and lovely Marina Mahathir. Both of them are my inspirational and both of them write the truth and nothing but the truth. They both dare to give honest feedback about our Country as a whole because both of them are loving, honest and powerful women!! And, I GET them!
Get connected with my soul!
My second goal is to learn how to play guitar with my brothers so that I could perform 2 songs. I choose song by Ben E. King – Stand By Me and P.Ramlee – Getaran Jiwa. I used to have belief that would never know how to play guitar. I was not put my heart and soul to do that and so, I don’t play until recently, I feel envy to Ana Rafali, Yuna, Zee Avi how cool they are playing guitar. Hey, not bad for a woman to play guitar. So, I decided to break my belief that I can play with the help of my soul brothers.
God knows, how many times I cut the guitar string while I was trying to tuning-up the sounds like it suppose to sounded until the shop assistant at the instrument store that I always went to get a new set of the string, “New Set?”. Lately, I have a break down with the guitar; I wish I could smash it to the wall and then I realize that, I have not connected to my soul for that song – Getaran Jiwa/The vibration of the Soul. Anyway, it’s still in progress!
And why do I want to learn from my brother, I could just go the guitar class and depend on hot and hunk guitarist only right? But, hey.. who can beat the love that I have with my brothers. I want to get connected with each and every of them. So, first, get connected with my vision, my soul and my brother. Currently, I work with my second brother, Sufian. J And wish for a very strong and loving connection with all of them in future.
My third goal is to lose 10kilogram. Currently, I left 3kg to achieves my target!! Yes!! Why? Because I want to look good and when I look good, I feel good! When I feel good, I obviously going to conquer my fear and my doubt. I was not serious before about losing weight. I belief that losing weight is the harder things to do! But, hey.. it’s all depend on my being and how I see it and I desperately I want to keep fit and feel healthy!
I believe I can achieves those goals? It’s real! It’s important! And it’s my life. Never give up! This is not just a Leadership Program but it is how I want to live my life in future!! Create habits and result! And I shall never stop there. Keep continuing having a compelling desire, Solid belief, doing effective action and have an IRON WILL!
My feedback to you: So, do you have any goal? What do you want? By when you want to achieved it? Why izit so important to you that you really want to achieve it! ...but then, why are you holding it back? What is missing? Which one is more bigger? The goal or the consideration? Well, have a look .. really.
Other than to achieve my goals, I also feels honor to contribute my support to my fellow team mates in achieving their goals. For example, Joyce.
She was grew up with the leprosy home at Sungai Buloh, Pusat Kawalan Kusta. I heard of leprosy before but I never seen one. I guess, I don’t care enough to know about them and I am grateful to have this opportunity to have this experience.
It was held at the Dewan Orang Ramai, Sungai Buloh, and the event was called, “Valley of Hope,” It’s was huge and I felt overwhelm by the support by the public but then, Joyce really put 100% to make this event a successful. Very much indeed, the event was held from 9.00am until 3.00pm. The lounch of the event is at 1pm and it was launch by one of the Senior Officer of the Sungai Buloh Hospital.
A lot of activity held during that event. We have food stall. My other team mates and also contribute food to sell, my self sell curry puff and Agnes, sold it RM3 for four pieces. For charity! And the money would be chanelling to various home that needs help. We have a tour guide around the Valley where, they have post office, clinics, theather and chalet for the leprosy people to enjoy.
Oh, back then, leprosy can be infected to others so, that’s why they need to be isolated from others. And now, through medication, now the leprosy can be reduce. Well, for me, it’s really an eye opener. I have a chance to help one of the leprosy old man. His name his Subra, like as what he told me. And he is still single until now and he is 88 years old. Just imagine, the life that he has been through. I feel grateful to have this learning about leprosy.
Another one learning through this journey is when I assist a single mother in getting her son for custody at the Mahkamah Syariah. I have no idea how to help her in terms of preparing the litigation works but, yeah I take inisiative to learn and now, she is successful in getting what she wants. The love and hope for her son after, her trust towards her husband has been shattered and betrayed.
Through this journey, I learned more about myself and best, I learned about being is important element for us to achieve what we want in our life. Giving 100% is the ultimate and satisfied feeling ever.
Never give up and yes, sometimes, I have my breakdown when I put so much effort and it goes to drain so, what is missing? I learned and learning by doing is the most effective learn method.
Best I can say here and conclude, this is mylife!!
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life...Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
-- Steve Jobs, Founder, Apple Computers
I have shared with you before on my previous article about how I value my life. Every time, I feel good about myself, I see beautiful things especially the air that I breaths and the morning breeze, the sun, the sky and the universe, the people.
I am blessed!
Every morning I wash my face and look at my image from the mirror, I wonder who is this woman? I can be a stranger to myself whenever I was not present and when I do not connect to my inner me. I would never know that if I have not looked deep inside. The only ways for me to be connected to myself is when I get so close to me. I could hear voice saying life is a miracle, and precious. Every minutes count. Everybody is important and I deserve to take myself important.
Every hardship that I have been through is to wiser me up so that, the learning that I received, I would love to share with the people that I care. I acknowledge that I learned life from a hard way. I do feell envy to the lucky one that has achieved what they want but, somehow or rather I think, I am the lucky one because I am in the mission; pursuit of happiness.
And it’s not the only me who embrace days with hope and dreams. Some of us get things done and got it! Some of us just chill and go with flow and received anything. And some other people, just survive and don’t care enough.
What am I standing for?
I care. I care what will happen to my life. I want to take action of my being and myself because I have ability to respond to it. It’s good sometimes, to be a victim. I just love the attention from the rest and then what? What is the learning that I get? And, I shall never get the learning if I still stay to be a victim and I am BIG enough to take responsibility of my words and action.
My point is, life meant nothing if we don’t take total control of our own life. If one day, we decide something important in our life, getting married for example, we ought to know the outcome and the consequences. This is what happen when I know who I am and what I want.
What is my vision?
I am a capable woman to love, to live and to inspire others. There is something I can offer to the world and to make it be a better place. How could I changeling the power which I have and to share with them? And the power that I have can be multiply to be power of 10 and can extend to the power of 100, 1000, 10,000 until beyond and infinity.
And this power is getting through knowledge. As I remember, the first sura believed to have been revealed at Mecca at cave Hira is also known as Sūrat al-Iqrā (إقرا, "Read").
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Read in the name of your Lord , Who created-
Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood:
Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,-
He Who taught (the use of) the pen,-
Taught man that which he knew not.
Nay, but man doth transgress all bounds,
In that he looketh upon himself as self-sufficient.
Verily, to thy Lord is the return (of all).
Seest thou one who forbids-
A votary when he (turns) to pray?
Seest thou if he is on (the road of) Guidance?-
Or enjoins Righteousness?
Seest thou if he denies (Truth) and turns away?
Knoweth he not that Allah doth see?
Let him beware! If he desist not, We will drag him by the forelock,-
A lying, sinful forelock!
Then, let him call (for help) to his council (of comrades):
We will call on the angels of punishment (to deal with him)!
Nay, do not listen to him but bow down in adoration and bring thyself closer (to Allah)!
I received a comment from a friend, that seek knowledge from Al-Quran and you may read the interpretation if you don’t understand. I understand Al-Quran is my guidance and as a Muslim, it is my obligation to be connected to my religion, seek truth. What is true to me is what I have experienced. The experience that I have has built my belief based how I live my life and how I see the society and the world today.
The Quran to me, is not just other book, it’s a mukjizat where it’s alive. The Words of Wisdom out of it is created by the bigger force, Al-mighty God. I don’t judge, because judging only limit my power to share love and honesty.
Every day is a WOW-DAY!!!
People have opinion, the Scientist, the Ulama’ have opinions, we do research because, human being like us have desire to seek for knowledge and that is how we are actually evolve and moved out of our comfort zone. Only us can change and change start from within when the enlighten come and bright us with knowledge and hope that this knowledge can give positive and productively outcome so that can be benefits to others.
And this is totally not only a men’s job! It’s include, women. Never ever underestimate women’s power. It's all depend on what you committed to create and you will be surprise of the result!!