
Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013; I wish for myself...

Count your blessings. A grateful heart attracts more joy, love, and prosperity.
   --  Cheryl Richardson
This morning, while driving to work, I was listening to - Lil Kev on top 5 resolution for 2013, and number #one is NOT to have resolution. Often we have resolution in the beginning of the year and most of us end up not getting it. How many of us have a broken agreement with ourself and not feeling guilty about it. This scenario happened to me every year. So, what will be different for me in 2013? I think, I'm going to take Lil Kev's idea - NOT to have resolution this year. However, i would like to use different point of view. I am really look forward for 2013. I am hopeful for things to be as joyful as it meant to be. And, this is what I wish for myself and the world in 2013.. What's your wish?

I wish for myself.. to have a healthy lifestyle...

Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit.  When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.
   --  B.K.S. Iyengar
Once upon a time, I declared to lose weight.. I succeed once. Lost 10kg in 3 months. It lasted for four to five months until I gained back those fats! I have not been on track. Now, I have the power to get back the life that it meant to be. HEALTHY. Why it's so difficult to live healthier? Choose being healthy. Balance my lifestyle with goodness and greatness. Yes! Forget weight scale!

I wish for myself.. to have an abundance cashflow and steady income everyday...

I have steady job as a lawyer and yet, there is always not enough in the end of the month. So, what will it takes for me to have an abundance cashflow? Early December 2012, I went to this training conducted by Milestone Training Center  in Bangsar called Living Everyday in Abundance and Prosperous (L.E.A.P.) and I am grateful for the learning and it is never small in giving and receiving..  It is always how we view life, from being abundance point of view or, scarcity point of view, which one will you prefer to see? A half full glass of water or a half empty glass of water?

When I reflect back how I view my worklife, I used to complaint how robotic my life has been, and it's all about the doing. A lot of backlog files to handle and tons of things need to be done, end of the day, drive  home and tomorrow continue doing the same things. I have few option how to change it for 2013; either change job or change my point of view about my job. Yes! The easier and most practical for me to do NOW is to change my point of view about my job. Each files on my table represent an individual, a family, represent hope and trust. I am carry a huge task which I am honoured to be part of it. :) Hurm.. feeling a bit lighter now...

At the end of each day, you should play back the tapes of your performance. The results should either applaud you or prod you.
   --  Jim Rohn (1930-2009)
I wish for enough time for myself for my loves one...

Everybody have 24 hours a day to do everything with everybody that one's wish for. My parents requested me to spend extra hours with them every weekend and I feel the need to take that request seriously and it's not about how long the time we spend with our loves one but the content that we spent with them. Yes, I do noticed, while being with them, I am not "there", specifically not being present.

Have you been in the moment where you're in the meeting or in the class but, you wish you were somewhere else? Yes? No? Well, I do. It has be my habits. I realized that, I have always takes time for granted and guess what? I missed a lot of opportunities spending it wisely especially spending time with my loves one, friends and family. What will be different now?

One year equal to 525,600 minutes...

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsets
In midnights, in cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife
In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, a year in the life?

I love to write about life, about things happening in today's world, experience and learning. I love to read about things matter to this world, to human kinds. I love to talk about hopes and dreams. We are connected in everyday life to each other in different ways. We shared common things, thoughts, feelings, and even the air we breathe.. Life is definately a miracle things that ever happen to each one of us. Everyday, we always have something to celebrate about. And today, I wish to celebrate a new year, a new beginning..

Lots of Love,

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Winning is a Habit!

Winning has NOTHING to do with anyone else.
Winning is a personal thing, it's a habit.
Finishing a marathon is winning.
Not giving up until you hit your 100th rep is winning.
Winning is about realizing your potential, that you have exhausted all that you could do, and looking back KNOWING that you beat yourself.
This is why, winning is a habit.
Life is not always a competition with others.
But it's always a competition with yourself.
- happydaisylovelynigh

I don't play football. In fact I don't do much sports. I don't really sweat and compete in any match, any sports. I'm not a sportwoman. However, I find sportman/woman a very fascinating people. Play in a team and won. Well, compete. Some game we win, some game we lose. How we play the game, counts, no matter who we compete with. Do we play game when our team win, each indidual win?


However, let's look at our everyday life. Are we living our life as a team? Or alone? What do we create everyday in our life. Looking deeper in ourself. Are we our result? Winning yes is a habit. A habit, if you did long enough become a culture, culture shall then become a belief. How fantastic is it when winning become our belief.

Praise the Lord for this enlightenment.

Lots of love.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Berikan Kasih, Sampaikan Cinta ~

"Nak cakap pun salah, tak cakap pun salah.. tapi, kena cakap juga.. kan dah cakap, jgn cari pasal. tulah.. sekarang ni sapa yang susah? sendiri juga yang susah? sendiri juga yang malu.. sekarang apa nak jadi? nasi dah jadi bubur.. tanggung sendiri lah.."

"Sendiri mahu ingatlah Cik Adik ooi.. Dulu tak mahu jaga diri baik-baik.. degil.. kalau duduk rumah.. jaga kelakuan tu.. awak tu pompuan.. tahulah awak tu cantik.. ramai jantan tergila-gilakan awak.. ni haa.. sekarang dah mengandung anak luar nikah.. haa.. padan lah muka ko.."

"Mana jantan yang ko sanjung-sanjung tu? Ke hulu ke hilir.. berpeluk-peluk.. macam dah kahwin.. tapi,  hilangkan diri pulak bila ko dah mengandungkan anak dia? Abis tu sekarang ni, ko nak buat apa? Nak simpan ke anak dalam kandungan ko ni? Nanti apa nak berbinkan dia.. Abdullah?"

"Ko ni memang anak tak kenang budi!! Aku dah tatang ko bagai minyak yang penuh.. macam ni balasan ko dengan aku? Ko baling najis kat muka aku ni? Mana aku nak letak muka aku ni pun aku tak tahu.. Malu aku ni dengan orang-orang! Hish! Ikutkan hati aku.. nak jer aku bunuh ko ni.. Memalukan!"


Aku sedih.
Aku tak tahu nak buat apa.
Aku tahu aku dah buat silap.
Tapi, aku kena teruskan hidup ni juga.
Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa aku.. aku menyesal.
Ya Allah.. kau bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini..

Drama kehidupan ~
Sepanjang kita lalui kehidupan kita, seringkali kita berhadapan dengan dugaan dan cabaran hidup. Terkadang kita tersalah langkah, tersilap hitung namun, kita sebagai insan akur dengan kebesaran Allah yang Maha Mengetahui, Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat. Seringkali kita lupa untuk bersama-Nya mengingati-Nya kerana khayal dengan dunia. Maka, ujian demi ujian Allah turunkan untuk menguatkan iman dan takwa kita.

Mungkin, dalam kehidupan kita seharian, di kalangan kelompok kita, jarang-jarang sekali kita dengar sahabat-sahabat kita yang terlanjur sikapnya sehingga mengundang rasa jelik dan malu lalu, mudah bagi kita menilai mereka-mereka yang tersasar dari nilai-nilai murni yang digarapkan dalam masyarakat kita pada hari ni. Contohnya bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam kes dadah, kes lahir anak luar nikah, kes pasangan sesama jenis dan bermacam-macam kes yang kita golongkan dalam ketegori Gejala Sosial.

Lantas, kita rasa berhak untuk mengutuk, mengkritik, mencerca dan menghukum mereka tanpa membuat apa-apa yang boleh membantu mengurangkan atau meringankan beban yang ditanggung oleh ahli keluarga mereka. Ya. Lebih senang, kita boleh salahkan mereka dan teruskan dengan stigma sosial kita.
Ataupun, bolehkah kita merenung kembali mana silapnya kita pada akar umbinya dan bersungguh-sungguh menyediakan alternatif yang lebih efectif bagi menangani gejala sosial ini?

Apa yang boleh kita buat? Sungguh. Kalaulah adik yang terlanjur dan sedang mengandung anak luar nikah ni, adik kandung kita sendiri? Jalan apa yang terbaik untuk kita tangani ujian ini? Sikap yang bagaimanakah harus kita tunjukkan pada adik kita ini? Bolehkah kita menerima keadaan ini dan memaafkan dan terus menyayanginya? Bersama-sama mengharung ujian ini dan bersama-sama tabah menghadapi cabaran hidup ini?

Salam Sayang,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Natural Born Talent..ed!

I have to share what's happening to me last night! It's was awesome moment of mylife! Remember I shared before about me learning how to play guitar with my brothers last year? it tooks me 3 months to learn 4 chords, one song, 'stand by me' from Ben E King. Yeah? No? Nevermind.
So, at first I learned the song from through youtube, you know. Really, when I keep singing that song, practise the same chords, I get bored and surely people who HAD to listen to my "practise" ..well, *rolling eyes, your body language says it all. By the way, thank you for standing by me after all and for your direct and honest feedback! hahaha!! My finger blistered because I have to press hard on the string. Until now I didn't fully understand how to tune the guitar. I kinda given up on continuing my guitar lesson since then. However, I have to say many thanks to Dymphna and her friends who letting me be in their space to perform on their event called "Legacy Talent Day(Nights)" on 9th Sept 2012. Hahaha!! I remembered, when she first approuch me a two weeks ago and asked, whether I know anybody that can perform for their event. And then, I remembered and said, "Well,I used to learn how to play guitar and I know how to play one song," She replied, "Great!!! I'll fill your name in," and I remember very clearly how awkward my smile was. Perform?? On stage. My guitar? Am I nuts??? What have I done? So, cut the crap. I decided to invite my friends, Kah Wei (Sweet and Still Single guy. hahaha!) to perform with me, he agreed with condition that he is the backup guitar only. I said "Yeah, yeah! No problem." So, we practise the guitar and he suggested for us play second song. "Where got time??!!" I replied but, just go along with him and decided to play another song by, Pearl Jam, "Last Kiss". I agreed to this song just because, it have same chords with the first song. Hahaha!! But, with different rhythm and tempo. For me, problem with this song is the lyrics. I was told that Legacy Talent Day was intentionally to celebrate them for completing their journey in one the training that they attended. So, I was keen to sing the song.
However, that Sunday I was hooked with a lot things with meetings, family and friends since morning so I don’t really have much time to remember the lyric of Last Kiss. So, I decided to do something different. 30 minutes before the event, Daniel (my friend) and I while having our quick pre-dinner create our own lyrics for the performance. It was really, impromptu. On the spot. Reaching at the place, practise the second song with guitar for less than 5 minutes and additional 5 minutes for the first song. End up with additional 3 backup singers on stage. And wallah!! We did it! I acknowledge myself for creating it in contributing for others.

I created excitement, fun and awesomeness. Enrolling my friends to support me on stage and the rest of the night has become magic and miracle. It went smoothly and happening! Bless Dymhpna and her team for organized this event. The event is another platform for other people to unleash their talent. Bless to the owner of the restaurant, Sharine Chua, and her staff in supporting this event. Bless all family and friends that attended for their cheers and supports. I would like to acknowledge a few friends who were there in supporting the effort. They are all great!! And that night is a creation of talented people! Lots of love!! Sufi.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Our beloved powerful women

Sharing an article from AstroView September 2012 on the most inspiring women in Malaysia. I am truly inspired by all, beautiful, powerful, passionate, honest and loving women of Malaysia. The Most Inspiring Women in Malaysia Women are, undoubtedly, the pillar of success behind every man and the strength behind every flourishing family. Asians have never forgotten the grand days of their matriarchal society that has shaped kingdoms and governments as we know them today. They have been with us as mothers, sisters, friends, aunts, teachers, nurses and from stall owners selling packets of ‘nasi lemak’ to heads of large organizations implementing policies that can change the direction of an entire nation. In saluting these outstanding women of Malaysia, Top of 10 Malaysia is honored to present the Top 10 Most Inspiring Women of Malaysia. This is in recognition of their achievements that have come as a result of their tenacity, competence and courage.
Zeti Akhtar Aziz (Tan Sri Dr) Topping the list is Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, governor of Malaysian Central Bank (BNM). She recently made headlines when a renowned Bloomberg columnist, William Pesek named her as a candidate for the post of IMF president following the resignation of the former president recently. The 63-year-old Tan Sri Dr Zeti Aziz is the first woman to be appointed as central bank governor in Malaysia and Asia, and the first woman to be within the top ten rankings for central bank governors of the world. She recently extended her contract with Bank Negara Malaysia for another five years, making her the second longest serving governor of BNM. Her determination to take the Malaysian economy out of the doldrums during the Asian financial crisis was clearly evident when she took over the reins at BNM in 1998. Despite the numerous criticisms and pressures from many quarters, including the IMF, she went ahead to peg the Malaysia ringgit against the US dollar and banned offshore trading of the Malaysian currency. These unconventional and drastic measures finally paid off in 2005 when foreign exchange rules were relaxed and the Malaysian ringgit began to rise against the US dollar. One of her major contributions is putting Malaysia at the forefront of the Islamic money market, and with many policies carefully planned and executed, Malaysia now has a substantial number of Islamic investors, both domestic and foreign.
Nicol Ann David (Datuk) At the number two spot is a person who is no stranger to all of us, Nicol Ann David. Currently ranked world number one by WISPA, she is the first Asian sportswoman to have achieved this ranking, the first Malaysian and Asian ever to be crowned as the world number one in sports. Having obtained this crowning glory at the young age of 23, she has been holding this ranking for a consecutive 54 months now and with 57 matches won. She began to shine during the very early years of her life by being the first squash player to have won the World Junior title twice in 1999 and in 2001. Since then, she has won many major tournaments and in the year 2000, she decided to join WISPA to become a professional squash player. Within a month during the tour, Nicol again outperformed the others to clinch the Savcor Finnish Open title. Nicol David’s other notable achievements include winning the Asian Squash Championship eight times, a hard-to-beat record. Nicol was also named the WISPA Player of the Year for six consecutive times from 2005 until 2010. She was honored with the Order of Merit (Darjah Bakti) by His Majesty Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin in 2008 and was the first recipient of the award that was established in 1975. This award is limited to only ten recipients who have made significant contributions in the arts, sciences and the humanities. In the same year, she also received the Darjah Setia Pangkuan Negeri award which carries the title “Datuk”, making her the youngest person ever to be conferred Datukship in Penang.
Siti Nurhaliza binti Tarudin (Dato’) Number three on our list is a figure from the entertainment world who has made significant contributions to the society especially the plight of rural women in Malaysia. Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza binti Tarudin, or commonly known only as Siti Nurhaliza, is a Malaysian singer, songwriter, record producer, television presenter and businesswoman. To date, she has garnered more than 200 local as well as international awards. Her exceptional career path began when she won the Bintang HMI 1995. She was only 16 then and she was offered recording contracts from four different international recording companies. Her first single, ‘Jerat Percintaan’ from her debut album won the 11th Anugerah Juara Lagu and two other awards for Best Performance and Best Ballad. Siti is the only artist in Malaysia who has won 34 Anugerah Industri Muzik awards, 22 Anugerah Bintang Popular awards, 20 Anugerah Planet Muzik awards, 18 Anugerah Juara Lagu awards, four MTV Asia Awards and the holder of two records in the Malaysia Book of Records. With multi platinum awards and backed with 14 studio albums, she is dubbed as one of the most popular artists in the Malay Archipelago and Nusantara region and she has been voted nine times in a row for the Regional Most Popular Artist in the Anugerah Planet Muzik since 2001. In 2005, she was listed second by MTV Asia in Asia’s Best Musical Artiste and Channel V’s Biggest Asian Artiste. In 2008, she was named as one of Asia’s Idols by Asia News Network. Currently, she has been listed as one of Malaysia’s richest and most influential artists who has won the most awards.
Zainah Anwar The 4th position is taken by Zainah Anwar, a prominent Malaysian non-governmental organization leader, activist and Muslim feminist. She was the head of Sisters in Islam - an organization that fights for Islamic women rights within the religion - for over two decades before stepping down. Moved by problems and difficulties faced by Muslim women in courts, Zainah and a few other fellow journalists and lawyers founded Sisters in Islam in 1987. Then in 1990, the movement that was formally registered and became known as SIS, focused on challenging laws and policies made to discriminate Islam women in the name of Islam. Eventually, SIS expanded to encompass larger issues of democracy, human rights and constitutionalism. Zainah was involved with Sisters in Islam for two decades as its leader. She was responsible for building the NGO from a small organization to a global voice and gave numerous talks on empowering Islam women throughout the world. SIS has been at the forefront of non-government movements influencing amendments to Islamic Family Law. It has espoused equality and justice for women, discussed dress and modesty, the right to guardianship, women as judges, fundamental liberties in Islam, and apostasy and freedom of religion.
Michelle Yeoh Choo-Kheng (Dato’) At number five is another well known artiste who has made numerous international appearances, Dato’ Michelle Yeoh Choo-Kheng. A Hong Kong-based Malaysian actress and dancer, Michelle is well known for performing her own stunts in the action films that brought her to fame in the early nineties. Born in Ipoh, Malaysia, she is now based in Hong Kong and was chosen by People magazine as one of the 50 Most Beautiful People in the World in 1997. She is best known in Hollywood for her role in the 1997 James Bond film ‘Tomorrow Never Dies’ and also the multiple Academy Award winning Chinese action film ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ for which she was nominated the BAFTA for Best Actress. In 2008, film critic website Rotten Tomatoes ranked her as the greatest action heroine of all time. Michelle started her film career acting in action and martial arts films although she had no formal martial arts training. She learned English and Malay before Cantonese, making it hard for her to understand Chinese characters especially when it comes to reading scripts but she managed to overcome this by learning phonetically over the years. Michelle was awarded the Darjah Datuk Paduka Mahkota Perak (DPMP), which carries the title Dato’ by the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah in 2001 in conjunction with the Sultan’s 73rd birthday, in recognition of the fame she brought to the state. French President, Jacques Chirac awarded Michelle with Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur in 2007.
Marina Mahathir (Datin Paduka) At number six is Marina Mahathir, daughter of former Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir Mohamad. Although her father is a prominent figure, it has never stopped her from expressing her thoughts and ideas through various non-governmental organizations such as the Malaysian AIDS Foundation. Marina has headed the Malaysian AIDS Council for twelve years and was Vice-President of AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific. Apart from that, she also sat on several UN expert panels representing Asia Pacific AIDS NGOs on the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board, and spoken at the United Nations General Assembly. Currently she is a member of the Steering Committee of the Asia Pacific Leadership Forum on HIV and Development (APLF), the Global Advisory Group of AIDS2031 and the Global Task Force Review Group of the UNAIDS Action Framework for Addressing Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV. Despite coming from a pro-government family, she is a well known activist writer, writing her fortnightly column, ‘Musings’ in a local daily. She writes on current issues, women, health, local politics, human rights and education. In 1997, Marina published a compilation of her column articles in a book, titled Liberal Doses. Marina also writes her own blog, ‘Rantings’, in which she discusses socio-political issues such as the current political scenario, gender equality, and race and religious tolerance. Marina also had her own TV show, 3R-Respect, Relax and Respond, tackling issues of violence against women, and equality and social welfare. A graduate from University of Sussex, UK, her primary focus has always been directed to bringing an end to discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Teresa Kok Suh Sim Taking the number seven spot is Member of Parliament for Seputeh, Teresa Kok Suh Sim. Previously she was the political secretary to Opposition leader and Democratic Action Party’s National Advisor, Lim Kit Siang, Teresa won the parliamentary seat of Seputeh in Kuala Lumpur with a majority of 5,200 in the 1999 general election. She was again re-elected in 2004 with a majority of 12,895, the largest winning margin among the 13 elected DAP MPs. In 2008 general elections, Teresa retained her Seputeh parliamentary seat with a majority of 36,492, the largest majority in any constituency in the whole of Malaysia. She was named senior executive councilor in the new Selangor executive council and put in charge of investment, trade and industry. Teresa is currently the DAP National Organizing Secretary, the National Secretary of DAP Wanita, and a member of the DAP Disciplinary Committee. In Parliament, she is a member of the Select Committee on Review of Penal Code and Criminal Procedure Code. Teresa is the Secretary of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus (AIPMC). She has been an active lobbyist for Burmese democracy and human rights since 1996 when she was the Coordinator of Political Leaders Network Promoting Democracy in Burma for Southeast Asian region.
Mazlan Othman (Datuk Dr) Ranked the 8th most inspiring woman by Top 10 of Malaysia readers is a lady who has achieved a number of firsts – Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman is Malaysia’s first astrophysicist and the first woman to be awarded a PhD in physics from New Zealand’s University of Otago since the university was founded in 1869. Datuk Dr Mazlan has had an exceptional career in astrophysics. In 1990, she was selected by Tun Mahathir Mohamad to set up the country’s National Planetarium in Kuala Lumpur. Three years later she was appointed Director General of the new Space Science Studies Division in the Science, Technology and Environment Ministry, where she launched a microsatellite development programme. Datuk Dr Mazlan became the Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) in 1999 but heeded the request of Tun Mahathir to return in 2002 to found the Malaysian National Space Agency. In 2007 Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon reappointed her as the Director General of UNOOSA, where she has commented that she is keen to promote international cooperation which is a key to the future of space. The Institute of Physics awarded her its President’s Medal for her work in “developing astronomy education in Malaysia and her leading national and international role in space science”. Jamelah Jamaluddin
Ninth on the Top 10’s list is Jamelah Jamaluddin, CEO of the Kuwait Finance House (Malaysia) Berhad, the largest Islamic bank in Malaysia with a capitalization of USD640 million. She holds the distinction for being the first woman to head a KFH bank as CEO, representing a special milestone and significant breakthrough within the KFH Group and the Islamic banking industry. An experienced Islamic banker, Jamelah was tasked with resolving the bank’s serious mortgage issues following a series of bad loans decisions by the past administration. Holding a Masters in Business Administration in Finance from Central Michigan University, her other notable achievements includes the introduction of Az-Zahra unit dubbed as the only Islamic retail banking branch dedicated to women and the introduction of Islamic debit and credit cards for RHB Islamic Bank.
Mother Mangalam Iyaswamy Iyer (Datin Paduka) Mother Mangalam, as she is affectionately known, is the co-founder and president of Pure Life Society and has devoted her life to serving the less fortunate. She was awarded the Merdeka Award 2010 in the education and community category for her outstanding contributions in promoting the welfare of the underprivileged and fostering national unity. Mother Mangalam set up Pure Life Society in 1952 together with Swami Satyananda, her spiritual mentor, after having experienced the lessons imparted by war and strife. She learned many lessons from the Second World War which made her who she is today – how to be resourceful, to survive on bare necessities and to learn the feeling of satisfaction. She has had many struggles in her life but her faith never wavered and she did not stray from her path of service to the less fortunate. She is indeed a mother to the orphans and underprivileged children the Society takes in, and she has never forgotten her roots. Although expressing regret that Malaysians have become slightly less united over the years, she believes in the goodness of her fellow countrymen and feels that everyone is her friend regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, or affiliation. Her selfless, giving spirit is indeed an inspiration to us all. Thank you for making a stand.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Vision for Malaysia

I have a bigger hope and dream for Malaysia. Every each of us plays a bigger role as people of Malaysia. Do you know that whatever happened to our country, all of us are responsible for it? However, most of us choose to put other people to blame, instead of us choose to take ownership of every little thing and it’s includes me because it’s easy. It’s not our fault. Let other people handle what’s not working with our country. What kind of complain that we usually hear about Malaysian? Ahh.. we just love to complaint but didn’t do something about it. However, I would like to acknowledge those who have courage to make a stand for Malaysia especially those who are coming from civil society. They make a stand for the people, for the cause because they believe of all of us deserved to be treated equal and fair. Let us not touch on politics just because, too much energy has been drawn from the people when both our current government and the opposition are playing I’m right-You’re wrong’s game. Yes, I choose not to say. There are other bigger issue that we can talk about. Let us first stop, and drop everything. Drop our opinion, our belief, our thoughts, our feelings about Malaysia and as Malaysian. Let us look at ourselves. What is it about us that we really love? What really unites us as together as Malaysian. What have we committed to create for Malaysia? What have we contributed to our generation, to our children, and to the future of Malaysia?
I don’t know about u but personally, we could starts by asking what we want for ourselves and to the people around us, our environment and Malaysia as a whole. Notice, we always avoid to talk about the what is not working in our country openly, honestly and courageously because we don’t want to pay the prices of lose face, being judge or being arrested, and worst we could be detain without trial for several years when we really openly discuss about what is not working and what is possible for Malaysia.
What works for us is to have given the space and freedom to speech, to move, or anything else that is fall under our Federal Constitution and carry it with responsibility and coming with the intention on good faith. What is sad, most of us also never seen our Constitution. Are we even cares to understand the core of our Constitution? There is a set of principles such as rule of law contain is it and gives guidance for the law-maker to do their job in protecting and servicing the Rakyat. Given so much of experience and incident happen to Malaysia recently shows that are we are started to aware something could have done better and efficiently. We pay our income tax and if you counted how much we earn and pay up the income tax, our country could have been the richest country in South-East Asia, looking at we don’t really have challenges of natural disaster like earth quake and volcano. So, what’s really holding we back from having a prosperous, clean and beautiful, harmonize, united country? We have so many resources that we could have ever dream. The knowledge and the technology are in our finger for us to do research and development in every each sector. In which way should we see how much we worth for and don’t we should compete in a positive ways with each other and challenge us to be the top regardless of our race, religion and our cultural.
I would want to see myself be REALLY be independent without demanding some subsidies and what will it takes for the country to feed me but what we could do for our country regardless of who is our government as long as they hold us the people big and so equality, justice, fairness can be given to all people, and not to choose and pick where they coming from. When I read our history, the fact states we are all immigrants and we are living in this world to learn, to grow and to share. In my point of view, a country that are govern and rule based on control and manipulation shall never can empowered the people to expand their highest and biggest possibilities. For decades, each of us has been feed by lots of belief of ourselves and others. It was created mostly based from misunderstanding because we don’t really discuss what really matters such as our government, our law, our education system, our economy, our society and many more. We didn’t really create a safe space for real debate which can enhance our being, our thought. Most of us, created our own belief that suit us and if that belief holds us back, what benefits could we get by holding it for so long. Can’t we just be united and living with respect with no bribe and judgmental? Even God Almighty said we were born equal, why do we create distinction between us.
We didn’t really dream BIG. So what now we have one astronaut, now what? Is there a possibility that we could have our own spaceship? We have more than twenties, the rich and famous people in Malaysia, why can’t we created 2 million people are billionaires and be a giver and the most needed. Why don’t we create success to all people of Malaysia regardless of their race and at the same time, our environment is well taking care of therefore our nature didn’t swollen by the greediness of the so called “developer” in the name of development? We could have create balance and harmonize relationship between nature and development. It’s DO sound theoretically and idealistic and I may sounds like a dreamer but, could it be fair if we all committed to create a loving, honest, and powerful country so that we could be inspired and inspired to serve the people all around us and the world.
The only thing the hold us to grow bigger and be a giver is our own selves. We have sell-out our dream and our hope for Malaysia just by being selfish and only think about our own self demand instead of giving out there and stand for what is possible for Malaysia, our beloved country. This is our home. What rights does “other” people to chase us out just because we didn’t see eye to eye? Let us dream again for Malaysia and have a vision of possibility to bring Malaysia higher out to the world. Together and united, live as the real meaning of one Malaysia, and not just a cheap slogan where our vote can be bought.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Stop. Look. Discover.

I acknowledge myself for taking the risk to see the ever possibility that I could achieve in this present of time. As I walk my journey, I have stop and ask myself, what is happening in mylife recently. How was my being with my loves one, my family, friends, the society, the animal. What is my belief about my religion, my country, my society and even about myself. There is a few learning I can conclude about myself; I am smart, courageous, loving, passionate and I can be anything that I wish to be. I took the opportunity to look deep into myself, going deeper into my heart and searching what else in this life that I could ever want? What else seems to be missing in my precious life? Am I very important that I know I can make a difference in this life? As I look deeper, I have discover what's bring meaning to mylife. HAPPINESS. What makes me be happy, what will it takes for me to create happiness and have the happiness in mylife. Since life has up and down to me, I tend to be the victim to money, to time, to the circumstances, to the consideration, to the belief that does not works for me, I have been a victim to myself. I have realized that I have been sabotaging my own life for not giving 100% to my best ability.
On 5th August 2012, our beloved Dato' Lee Chong Wei has shown his higher spirit and his greater love to the country. He create the togetherness for Malaysian in the 2012 Olympics. He didn't get the Gold for Badminton for us, however, his determination has moves us and make us proud. Thank you, Dato' Lee. Wishing you to achieve your highest achivement and long live in excellent. You will always be inspired and forever love.. And question to us, how many of us really gives 100% in our precious life and achived that breakthrough?
As I discover for more, I have been open, both my heart and mind to receive the enlightenment about life. About love. About giving. About blessing. About abundance. And I am grateful and I live today and I have widen my view of life. And I started by have a stop. look. As I inhale and exhale the breath that go into and through my body; I felt overwhelmed by the strengh and joy that celebrates beautiful and meaningful journey. I began to reflect every learning and reflect back in my past life and acknowledge everything happen to me has it own lesson and it's time for me to step to the left, and move forward for beyond the possibility and create happiness that I wishes for.
Thank you for this learning. It's time for more breakthrough ~ Lots of love. Hope. Trust. Faith. Sufi.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

goodfriend that you can count on...

Do you still remember your childhood friends? The one that every evening would be around on the playground and play with you. How are they now? Married? or at the playground still playing with his or her kids? And when you starting your schooldays, primary and then secondary, how was your circle of friends. Did you still keep in touch with your schoolmate? Are you still hang around and have good time together like old school? Or, did you have a real goodfriend when you were growing up? How about time when you were in college and university? How would the friendship goes? Is it become more real? sincere? and genuine? What is friendship all about? And life moved on till you starts your career. Would you be counting on them?
I use to have a friend which I just have to talk to her, to update what's happening in ourlife. It can be good news, bad news, sad, frustration or even gossip about anything everything. We shares everything through hardship and happy moments. We were bestfriend like everybody would thought we were together. But, life goes on. She went her way. And I, moved on. It's hard to not having her around. Till now. My prayer is to wish that she is doing great and happy. I remember, I use to be around with people who fakes about their lives telling how cool and awesome they were. Impress me at first but, I know, being with them does not makes me real. I did't walk away because I was tempted to live in their lives. Act like them, be like them. I realize that I need to be myself and re-claim my life as how it suppose to be. I walk this journey with other friends who care enough and started a new friendship again. I would be gone mad if I didn't hear anything from her for so long. I had the opportunity to give love, trust and honesty in friendship. I am thankful that I have circle of friends that always there to support and to care. It's not hard to keep a friend if you making an effort to keep one. But, I do acknowledge some friends out there are just not worth it to keep. Sending them a lot of forgiveness and happiness. I miss having a good conversation with a friend - just talk about anything that uplifting and gives positive vibes with every sharing. Even with different point of view but, we acknowledge the power of knowledge. I love the way it is now. Sometimes, less is more. One thing I learn, if I am a good person, there will be good people around me. Negative friends would exist but, their presence makes no different to who I become. I do feel if I am clear of who I am, I have a control to select my circle of friends. Thank you to those friends who were there for your goodfriends. Friendship that matter most is the one who just know what is real. If you hanging around with fake friends, you will be fake also. Well, let's start have a believe that real friends exist because you are real, sincere and honest. just saying - Sufi.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Weddings ~ Love, Rules!!

Weddings has always makes me feel happy.. I am happy for my consins, my aunt and uncle, my fellow friends and everybody who is brave enough (hehe..) to step into the bigger and new horizon of their life.. Congratulation to those couple and I am honour to have been invited and attended their wedding ~

All wedding are lovely.. The couple and family are doing their best for the weddings, the preparation was excited and there is a lot of to-do-list and yet, we haven't go through the price of nowadays packages that include dresses, catering, gift for the guest, make up, photo, reception decoration, flower, and many more.. Bless them for all the hardwork and it is not an easy task.. Even, for some who preparing a simple weddings also can cost them up to RM10,000-00 or more but, I'm sure it is an event that they will never forget..

I am not yet married however, I won't lie to myself that one sweet day, there will be a wedding day for me and I dream of a simple wedding which will be attended by my beloved family and friends and blessing from both side, bride and groom's family.

I dream of a white wedding dress for the ceremony and just a plain gold ring engrave both his and my name. And the rest, I just want to let it go with the flow.. White lily and ocean breeze perfume candles.. soft wedding music and blessing.. lots of blessing..

Marriage ~

I wish and pray for a happy marriage with lots of laughter and happiness and hey, reality bites! It ain't happen if I didn't work for it ~ Scary! And yet, through friend's testimonial and eye-witness, I think, I can handle it.. *blushing*

And yet, my heart said the time shall arrived and remind me to be graceful and full acceptance to what may come.. I have found what I want deep down in my blooming heart.. I do feel complete and it's clear to me that I am in the right track.

Every step towards it make my heart felt overwhelmed..

I, Him and Us ~

And I know, he knows and God knows, If it's to be, it's up to us ~ Question is, whether both of us ready and brave enough to jump! and fly ~ and reaching for the stars *** Again, reality bites!!

I am holding myself, my heart, my sanity, my faith and my belief.. Please God, enlighten me with your grace and whisper me your guidance. Does love, rules?

I am in a mood for a romantic and it's a heart break to have been in a situation when I am not allowed to be with someone that I love. Love is not just a word. It's a being and the rest will come naturally. Wise man said, love is blind ~ Only fool rush in ~ and yet, that's make us, feel human. Love.. compassion.. peace..

May God bless us and the rest of our beautiful life. Although being with him, and choose to be with him can create a conflict for the rest of our life but, if its to be, and if its within our control, we shall do whatever it takes to make our wish and dream come true ~ If it makes us happy, our hope and wishes is just for a good blessing..


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Myself and God ~

We have enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.
-- Jonathan Swift

I am a born Muslim. A woman. I am bless for this life and the guidance. Thank you for the holy Quran ~ I remember my mom use to teach me reading the Quran and as I grew up, I learn how to pray and practice fasting every Ramadhan. There is a few do's and don't that my parents thought me about being a Muslim. For example, Muslim don't have a dog as a pet, Muslim don't eat pork and drinks alcohol. When I ask why? Because it's forbidden in Islam.

And I follow. I studied my religion at school, I learn about sirah how our Prophet received his first revelation and how Islam has become the most influential religion to most country. And I learn, I accept because I was told to follow what was in the Quran.. I never questioned why because I'm scared to cause sins. Ustazah said, Muslim who commit a lot of sins goes to hell. We must do good, be good and say good. At all time.

Islam is the right religion. Islam is the truth. And I accept. With all my heart. I believe there No God Except Allah, Muhammad is his messenger.

Recently I have asked myself what if I was not born as a Muslim. Would I be lucky enough to embrace life as it is? What makes me difference from the rest of the Muslim people in this world? Please forgive me God for having this thought ~ As I learn and experience life, through reading and observation, I am all the same with the rest. What makes me different from each other is how I value mylife, myself and everything around me. I need to be aware of what I'm thinking and feelings...

I enjoyed having my quality time with the nature and it is one way that makes me feel closer to God. I pray for guidance and peace at heart. And I do have question about life, about God, about human, about the Universe.. And this thought make me feel small and vulnarable and makes me believe that there is a bigger force that rules the life around us. And that is how I build my relationship with my God. Almighty God. I have the need to be closer to God and to make me feel attached. To be filled. Faith.

I guess, I really need to look up for more knowledge and better understanding about my God.

InsyaAllah ~

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Read - And Free Your Mind


It is not an accident why in our Prophet - Muhammad S.A.W. when he received his first revelation (wahyu) the Angel ask him to read.

I'm not going to tell you the whole story of the Revelation. However, I would like to share my opinion of the relevancy of the important of reading to what had happened to our student, recently.

Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia.

I once a "mahasiswa", a gradute from University of Malaya (UM) and I'm not a fan of Majlis Perwakilan Mahasiswa (MPM) where the election is held once a year) I did vote, naively believe that my vote can make a difference to the University and, it was hopeless, waste of time. There's not much of changing and many of us don't care enough about them. I somehow rather be outside living outside of University and only experience one year of staying in the hostel. It's horrible! I have to walk estimated 40 minutes from my hostel to my Faculty and the bus service was suck (at that time. I'm not sure how is it NOW). So, I give up on staying the hostel for the next semester (although I'm actively involved with their curriculum activities) and just sharing with another 9 students in one apartment.

Oh well, enough with the memory lane..

Early morning of 1st January 2012 is another event that I shall take note. Not because of the fireworks, silly! Because, 70 students include young people from many background decided that midnite to gather and to demonstrate at in front of University Perguruan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Tanjung Malim and their objective is to show to our current government that it's time for Academic Freedom.

Who is Solidiriti Mahasiswa Malaysia? Well, I did try to google their website or their blog, and this appeared, "This Site May Harm Your Computer," .. duh.. Anyway, from the local newspaper that I read, SMM sounded like a bunch of rebelious student and there is a lot of people have their own different opinion. Some impressed - good comment. Some angry and frustrated. Some don't care.

I remember Adam Adli, one of the member who lowered Najib's flag that was fluttering in front of PWTC building. When I read about it, I was amazed how daring this guy was. And many have salute him for his action and many have condemmed. I'm trying to understand why this student did that. Hurm.. he just want to give "feedback" to our current Prime Minister, "hey PM dude, you need to walk the talk,"

However to me, this group is potential to give influence to the policy maker in future IF only they do not take any side of many political party in Malaysia and manifest their objective according to their principle. They need to be free and neutral. Anyway, this is still an early stage of knowing what will happen to this group of student and how it's going to effect our next election in 2012. My concern is when they become influential, they become a body and shall require strong faundation and that is include financially. Who's going to fund them? *note to Solidarity of Indonesian Students*

Anyway, I do agree with Dr. Mahathir and he said that a student need to finish their studies before they want to be involved in politics. However, don't our student (above 18 years) also have a right to express their opinion about this beloved country and do whatever it takes to make sure the current Government listen to the People. Don't the student (above 21 years) have the right to vote? They, same like the rest of the citizen of Malaysia, have the ability to respond to what had happen to the Country and to the People. Why are they not allowed to exercise their right?! Why are their right been suppressed under Akta Udang-Undang Kolej & Universiti (AUKU).

Student Power

I read a lot during my studies years in UM. I read about human rights, democracy, separation of power, our history, our previous leader and that include leader from the opposition during our fight to freedom from the colonial rule, our Indepence Day, and many more. I read it not only for my exam but, because of the knowledge that I received.

One sweet day, these students are going to be an educator in future and maybe at this moment, they realized something valueable for themselves and they are fight for their freedom! Their freedom to educate the next generation accordingly and not according to the current government's policy.

How many policy have we experience since Independence Day? Everytime when the UMNO Prime Minister changed, they develop a new policy, i.e: Dasar Pandang Ke Timor, Dasar Penswastaan, Dasar Economi Baru, and many more. And our current Prime Minister now is promoting Dasar Tansformation and 1Malaysia. It's really sounds nice for advertising and what is the action plan? And congratulation on our precious Peaceful Assembly Bi(u)ll****!!

Come on, give us a break!! Give the student a break!! Should I go further to our current Education System?

How are we(the fellow citizen and our learned student) going to have an independent mind, thought and opinion? Why aren't we be allowed to exercise our right under the Federal Constitution? What kind of news that our mainstream media have been shove to our mind? It's full of racism, defamation, crap, lies and manipulation!!

This is why we need to read between the line. Read it using our better understanding about what is right and what is wrong, and using our heart to identified the truth and not blindly accept anybody who said so and so without think.

So, yeah.. I salute those people who stand by the truth, say the truth and nothing but the truth ~

“I'm worried that students will take their obedient place in society and
look to become successful cogs in the wheel - let the wheel spin them around as
it wants without taking a look at what they're doing. I'm concerned that
students not become passive acceptors of the official doctrine that's handed
down to them from the White House, the media, textbooks, teachers and preachers”
Howard Zinn