
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Winning is a Habit!

Winning has NOTHING to do with anyone else.
Winning is a personal thing, it's a habit.
Finishing a marathon is winning.
Not giving up until you hit your 100th rep is winning.
Winning is about realizing your potential, that you have exhausted all that you could do, and looking back KNOWING that you beat yourself.
This is why, winning is a habit.
Life is not always a competition with others.
But it's always a competition with yourself.
- happydaisylovelynigh

I don't play football. In fact I don't do much sports. I don't really sweat and compete in any match, any sports. I'm not a sportwoman. However, I find sportman/woman a very fascinating people. Play in a team and won. Well, compete. Some game we win, some game we lose. How we play the game, counts, no matter who we compete with. Do we play game when our team win, each indidual win?


However, let's look at our everyday life. Are we living our life as a team? Or alone? What do we create everyday in our life. Looking deeper in ourself. Are we our result? Winning yes is a habit. A habit, if you did long enough become a culture, culture shall then become a belief. How fantastic is it when winning become our belief.

Praise the Lord for this enlightenment.

Lots of love.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Berikan Kasih, Sampaikan Cinta ~

"Nak cakap pun salah, tak cakap pun salah.. tapi, kena cakap juga.. kan dah cakap, jgn cari pasal. tulah.. sekarang ni sapa yang susah? sendiri juga yang susah? sendiri juga yang malu.. sekarang apa nak jadi? nasi dah jadi bubur.. tanggung sendiri lah.."

"Sendiri mahu ingatlah Cik Adik ooi.. Dulu tak mahu jaga diri baik-baik.. degil.. kalau duduk rumah.. jaga kelakuan tu.. awak tu pompuan.. tahulah awak tu cantik.. ramai jantan tergila-gilakan awak.. ni haa.. sekarang dah mengandung anak luar nikah.. haa.. padan lah muka ko.."

"Mana jantan yang ko sanjung-sanjung tu? Ke hulu ke hilir.. berpeluk-peluk.. macam dah kahwin.. tapi,  hilangkan diri pulak bila ko dah mengandungkan anak dia? Abis tu sekarang ni, ko nak buat apa? Nak simpan ke anak dalam kandungan ko ni? Nanti apa nak berbinkan dia.. Abdullah?"

"Ko ni memang anak tak kenang budi!! Aku dah tatang ko bagai minyak yang penuh.. macam ni balasan ko dengan aku? Ko baling najis kat muka aku ni? Mana aku nak letak muka aku ni pun aku tak tahu.. Malu aku ni dengan orang-orang! Hish! Ikutkan hati aku.. nak jer aku bunuh ko ni.. Memalukan!"


Aku sedih.
Aku tak tahu nak buat apa.
Aku tahu aku dah buat silap.
Tapi, aku kena teruskan hidup ni juga.
Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa aku.. aku menyesal.
Ya Allah.. kau bantulah hamba-Mu yang lemah ini..

Drama kehidupan ~
Sepanjang kita lalui kehidupan kita, seringkali kita berhadapan dengan dugaan dan cabaran hidup. Terkadang kita tersalah langkah, tersilap hitung namun, kita sebagai insan akur dengan kebesaran Allah yang Maha Mengetahui, Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat. Seringkali kita lupa untuk bersama-Nya mengingati-Nya kerana khayal dengan dunia. Maka, ujian demi ujian Allah turunkan untuk menguatkan iman dan takwa kita.

Mungkin, dalam kehidupan kita seharian, di kalangan kelompok kita, jarang-jarang sekali kita dengar sahabat-sahabat kita yang terlanjur sikapnya sehingga mengundang rasa jelik dan malu lalu, mudah bagi kita menilai mereka-mereka yang tersasar dari nilai-nilai murni yang digarapkan dalam masyarakat kita pada hari ni. Contohnya bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam kes dadah, kes lahir anak luar nikah, kes pasangan sesama jenis dan bermacam-macam kes yang kita golongkan dalam ketegori Gejala Sosial.

Lantas, kita rasa berhak untuk mengutuk, mengkritik, mencerca dan menghukum mereka tanpa membuat apa-apa yang boleh membantu mengurangkan atau meringankan beban yang ditanggung oleh ahli keluarga mereka. Ya. Lebih senang, kita boleh salahkan mereka dan teruskan dengan stigma sosial kita.
Ataupun, bolehkah kita merenung kembali mana silapnya kita pada akar umbinya dan bersungguh-sungguh menyediakan alternatif yang lebih efectif bagi menangani gejala sosial ini?

Apa yang boleh kita buat? Sungguh. Kalaulah adik yang terlanjur dan sedang mengandung anak luar nikah ni, adik kandung kita sendiri? Jalan apa yang terbaik untuk kita tangani ujian ini? Sikap yang bagaimanakah harus kita tunjukkan pada adik kita ini? Bolehkah kita menerima keadaan ini dan memaafkan dan terus menyayanginya? Bersama-sama mengharung ujian ini dan bersama-sama tabah menghadapi cabaran hidup ini?

Salam Sayang,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Natural Born Talent..ed!

I have to share what's happening to me last night! It's was awesome moment of mylife! Remember I shared before about me learning how to play guitar with my brothers last year? it tooks me 3 months to learn 4 chords, one song, 'stand by me' from Ben E King. Yeah? No? Nevermind.
So, at first I learned the song from through youtube, you know. Really, when I keep singing that song, practise the same chords, I get bored and surely people who HAD to listen to my "practise" ..well, *rolling eyes, your body language says it all. By the way, thank you for standing by me after all and for your direct and honest feedback! hahaha!! My finger blistered because I have to press hard on the string. Until now I didn't fully understand how to tune the guitar. I kinda given up on continuing my guitar lesson since then. However, I have to say many thanks to Dymphna and her friends who letting me be in their space to perform on their event called "Legacy Talent Day(Nights)" on 9th Sept 2012. Hahaha!! I remembered, when she first approuch me a two weeks ago and asked, whether I know anybody that can perform for their event. And then, I remembered and said, "Well,I used to learn how to play guitar and I know how to play one song," She replied, "Great!!! I'll fill your name in," and I remember very clearly how awkward my smile was. Perform?? On stage. My guitar? Am I nuts??? What have I done? So, cut the crap. I decided to invite my friends, Kah Wei (Sweet and Still Single guy. hahaha!) to perform with me, he agreed with condition that he is the backup guitar only. I said "Yeah, yeah! No problem." So, we practise the guitar and he suggested for us play second song. "Where got time??!!" I replied but, just go along with him and decided to play another song by, Pearl Jam, "Last Kiss". I agreed to this song just because, it have same chords with the first song. Hahaha!! But, with different rhythm and tempo. For me, problem with this song is the lyrics. I was told that Legacy Talent Day was intentionally to celebrate them for completing their journey in one the training that they attended. So, I was keen to sing the song.
However, that Sunday I was hooked with a lot things with meetings, family and friends since morning so I don’t really have much time to remember the lyric of Last Kiss. So, I decided to do something different. 30 minutes before the event, Daniel (my friend) and I while having our quick pre-dinner create our own lyrics for the performance. It was really, impromptu. On the spot. Reaching at the place, practise the second song with guitar for less than 5 minutes and additional 5 minutes for the first song. End up with additional 3 backup singers on stage. And wallah!! We did it! I acknowledge myself for creating it in contributing for others.

I created excitement, fun and awesomeness. Enrolling my friends to support me on stage and the rest of the night has become magic and miracle. It went smoothly and happening! Bless Dymhpna and her team for organized this event. The event is another platform for other people to unleash their talent. Bless to the owner of the restaurant, Sharine Chua, and her staff in supporting this event. Bless all family and friends that attended for their cheers and supports. I would like to acknowledge a few friends who were there in supporting the effort. They are all great!! And that night is a creation of talented people! Lots of love!! Sufi.